- AFT Member Benefit Virtual Workshops
https://sharemylesson.com/ - Bringing the Campus of Boston into Your Classroom: Teaching with Historic Places
Professional Development for Boston Public and Charter School Teachers
Place-based teaching and learning is an approach designed to engage learners in the stories and resources of a place to activate interdisciplinary learning. Boston’s richness of place-based resources expands across the city and links neighborhoods and schoolyards to sites of international significance. In this course, teachers will work with museum, historic site and national park educators to explore the value of place-based teaching and learning, on site and in your classroom. In 2023, as we make our way toward 2026 and the 250th anniversary of the nation, we are excited to welcome teachers back to an in-person experience and reintroduce you to our sites and all they have to offer students in their own city.
Course Details:
FREE for Boston Public and Charter School Teachers, K-12
3 Graduate Credits
Course offered through Framingham State University
Participants will be partnered with Place-Based Boston sites to complete their final projects
Monday, June 5th
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM – Virtual pre-course session to go through capstone requirements and answer questions
Monday, July 17th – Friday, July 21st
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM – In person throughout downtown Boston
Friday, September 22nd
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – Virtual teacher project share out
- Creative Coding in the Classroom
Learning – and teaching – to code is accessible and fun! Join AceraEI for six virtual sessions with a cohort of like-minded peers. You’ll earn 10 PDPs as you learn javascript, and every lesson, exercise, and project from this program can be reused in your classroom! This workshop is geared towards teachers of any subject in grades 5-12. https://www.creativecodingteacher.org/ - Place-Based Boston Summer Institute
Place-Based Boston is excited to announce the 2023 Place-Based Boston Summer Institute and are seeking applicants to join this week-long course to explore stories of voice and action throughout the history of the Boston. This is a free professional development opportunity, and participants who complete the course requirements will receive three graduate Credits from Framingham State University. Visit www.placebasedboston.org/opportunities to find more information and apply today! - Tech: Past, Present, and Future
We live in a connected world and tech moves fast. Given the growing role tech plays in our life, a deeper understanding of its historical patterns will give T’s and S’s a better idea of its dynamic nature and where it might be going. Especially when artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, is being utilized. Join BPS Tech & BPS History”s “Tech: Past, Present, and Future” PD in late March to engage in valuable discussions and develop engaging content for students. Join via Vector or go to bit.ly/bpshisttech - Mental Wellness Workshops
This workshop is focused on helping community members cultivate a broader understanding of mental wellness and the ability to proactively address in their home and communities.
Training Goals: Develop the skills of a non-clinical workforce to support community members in addressing mild to moderate mental health distress and practical problems of daily living
To improve access to community-based mental health services for individuals experiencing mild to moderate mental health distress and practical problems of daily living.
Participants will receive training in: Barriers to addressing mental wellness, Emotional Intelligence, Activated triggers and trauma, Determine when to connect people to mental wellness. REGISTER HERE: https://hria.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdeCsqTkpH9PFFUo73B1xXfDGTMEiNUez
- Lifting as We Climb: Black Women Activists in Boston
Register now for a 3-day summer workshop connected to the current Leventhal Map Center exhibition Building Blocks, the story of Florida Ruffin Ridley, and the impact of Black activists in Boston’s development. Participants will experience scholar presentations, primary source and archive explorations, and a field trip while reflecting on where the spaces for legacy exist in the past, present and future.
There is a $75 registration fee. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lifting-as-we-climb-black-women-in-turn-of-the-20th-century-boston-tickets-603835356807
- Bilingual Education Certificate Cohort 5 at Boston College
Are you interested in earning your Bilingual Education Endorsement (BEE)? OMME will be sponsoring its 5th cohort of educators to participate in the Bilingual Education Certificate program at Boston College, which fulfills the content mastery and practicum components of the BEE. To learn more, see included flyer and form. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QJtq-ZrAz2XiFBP8P8OJ0EWiKSI8XOM3/view AND https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfANV5_wcCTq-R5nM5b0eL-2F_WhWsSIyxv3JUWxGtwkud9PA/viewform
- STEAM PD Quilting & Math
Do you need additional PDPs? Would you like to participate in an interactive professional development where you can leave the workshop with tangible materials that you can bring back to your classroom and school site? Look no further, the Quilting & Math PD is the PD for you. This PD allows participants to explore interdisciplinary curriculums that focus on math competencies and literacy skills. The PD is a collaborative learning experience hosted by Lesley University’s STEAM Lab and in partnership BPS Art, STEM, Robotics, and Technology Departments. See link below for more information and workshop dates.
- Learn with BPSTechnology in Summer 2023
Please join BPSTechnology this summer to learn about the exciting technologies you can implement in classrooms and schools. All educators are welcome. https://sites.google.com/bostonpublicschools.org/bpstechvirtuallearning/professional-learning/upcoming-pd?authuser=0 - Asynchronous Spanish for BPS Educators: Fall 2023
In this course, participants will learn introductory Spanish in order to better communicate with BPS students/families. This course may be most relevant to those who have no or limited Spanish proficiency. There will be an asynchronous class followed by 2 sessions (choose one) for oral practice at 12:12-50 PM OR 3 – 3:50 PM. every Tuesday for 14 weeks beginning September 12, 2023. Participants will complete a final project as a course deliverable for 14 PDPs. Please register on Vector. Questions: Julie Caldarone jcaldarone@bostonpublicschools.org