Published On: April 6, 2015

The 2015 Professional Learning Grantees are:

Educator Professional Role School Title/Question
Megan Aycock & Maureen Lee Maderos Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments Related Services How To Experience A Story
Amelie Baker Classroom Teacher Boston Latin School How to Transition Reading Skills from Paper to Digital Platforms
Larry Bayer, Ph.D. Clinical Coordinator Snowden International School How can Snowden Improve Student Learning and Attendance by Becoming More Attuned to Traumatized Students?
Brigid Byrne-Rowlings History Teacher Boston Latin Academy Can Grit and Self-Control Be Taught? Putting Dr. Angela Duckworth’s Grit Research and Character Lab Teaching Strategies to the Test to Build More Successful Students
Riana Good Spanish Teacher Boston Latin Academy Education”€™s Four-Letter Word: LOVE. Now How Do We Talk About it, For Real?
Benadette Manning Math Teacher Fenway High School How Much Does Student and Teacher Kindness Affect the Academic Culture of a School?
Julian McNeil Mathematics Teacher Boston Green Academy The Mathematics of Social Justice: Teaching Students to Identify, Analyze, and Combat Social Inequalities
Amanda Minerva First Grade Teacher Mary Lyon K-8 Building a Peaceful Place: Tools and Strategies for Increasing Self-Regulation Skills across the School Day
Rodolfo Morales Grade 4 Teacher Hurley Bilingualism, Oral Language and the Common Core
ToRena Webb Thomas Kindergarten 2 Teacher Winthrop How Can Math Journals Be Used To Support Students Understanding of the Common Core State Standards?

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