Good morning.
Please note that we recently mailed a packet of postcards to BTU Building Reps that members can fill out in support of our current population of 253 excessed teachers. Many of these 253 teachers were excessed from Brighton and Excel High Schools, both of which have been designated as Turnaround Schools; the Mattahunt, which was closed; and the Dever, which has gone from Level 5 to Level 5 1/2 (after going from Level 3 to Level 4 to Level 5, where it was mishandled by Blueprint).
Other teachers are in this position because they are returning from leave or were excessed because of a school’s programmatic needs. In all of these cases, our members were excessed through no fault of their own, and they deserve our support.
Please fill out the postcards and return them to your Building Rep, who will bring them to the BTU membership meeting tomorrow. See the letter mailed to Building Reps.
For an explanation of the excess process—who got excessed, why, and why it’s important to continue our support of our members’ assignment rights—please see the essay that Richard Stutman wrote for Blue Mass Group last week.
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This afternoon from 4-6 PM at the BTU there’ll be an information session for all who are currently excessed. See below for details. This is a joint BTU/BPS Info session designed to answer your questions and hear your concerns about the Post Transfer Placement Process (PTPP) as well as resume and interview assistance, answering questions concerning licensure, the timelines for being placed in suitable professional capacity positions if needed, and the like.
FYI: The PTPP will be posted from June 12-19, online on TalentEd with PTPP denoted in the positions title.