Election Updates

We’re down to the wire, and we have some campaigns that definitely need our help. The BTU is supporting the People’s Agenda, voting YES on 1, 2 and 3 for safe patient limits, getting money out of politics and protecting trans rights. See upcoming opportunities in our Political Action post, and please see a list of all endorsed candidates.

THURSDAY — Nurses Say Yes on Question 1 Rally
Join nurses and supporters, including AFT President Randi Weingarten, at Faneuil Hall this Thursday beginning at 4 PM. The No On 1 campaign has been very effective at confusing people about this ballot measure. Please see this Fact Sheet for information on the Yes on 1 campaign.

Upcoming BTU Organizing Events

TODAY — Superintendent Search Forum at the BTU
The BPS School Committee is hosting several forums for the Superintendent Search. This first one will be at the BTU TODAY, October 30 from 6-8 PM. Please take this opportunity to have your voice heard. See a flyer from BPS listing all upcoming forums.

BTU All-In Food Drive: November 1-15
Please drop off your non-perishable items at the BTU beginning November 1. We will be delivering to the Greater Boston Food Bank. Download a flyer for posting.

Ethnic Studies Now Meeting: November 4
On November 4 from 2-4 PM, join a group of BPS educators working to bring Ethnic Studies curricula to BPS. So far we have succeeded in advocating for professional development opportunities and stipend opportunities for teachers. To learn more and RSVP please contact Natalia at ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

Academics Committee Meeting: November 8
Our Academics Committees (Inclusion, ELL, Climate Change, Early Ed, PLAB, and Arts) usually meet throughout the year on the FIRST Tuesdays of the month (exception this month: election day). Learn more and RSVP: ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

NEW — SELWell Committees Meeting: November 13
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 PM. Committees under Social Emotional Learning (SEL) include: SELCommittee, Restorative Justice, and School Counselors. We will meet throughout the year on the SECOND Tuesdays of the month from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU. Light dinner will be provided. To learn more and to RSVP please contact Natalia at ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

NEW — Unafraid Educators Meeting: November 15
Please join us at 4:30 at O’Bryant High School (55 Malcolm X Blvd). For information about getting involved, email Nora at npaulschultz@bostonpublicschools.org or Lena  atpaulena.papagiannis@gmail.com.

BTU Digitizing Oral Histories Day: Saturday, November 17
Please join us on November 17 from 10-3 at the BTU and help us preserve the history of the BTU! UMass Boston staff and a team of BTU volunteers will scan photographs and documents recording individual stories. Additionally, there will be a video station for people to record their memories. Everything will be included in a digital open access archive. RSVP or volunteer at btu.org/digitizingday.

Teacher-Powered Schools National Conference in Boston
The 2018 Teacher-Powered Schools National Conference will be held this year in Boston from November 30 to December 2. The BTU is proud to be a co-sponsor. Register today on Eventbrite!

Community Events of Interest

TODAY — Halloween Action: Call Out the Pioneer Institute
Join the BTU and Community Labor United at 4:30 today for a creative and fun protest to say let the Pioneer Institute know the wholesale privatization of public goods is scarier than any ghost or haunted house! See the Facebook event for details and to RSVP and invite friends.

NEW — The Next Two Years and Beyond: A Movement Building Conference
Join Mass Peace Action, BTU President Jessica Tang and many other amazing speakers at Simmons College on Saturday, November 17 for a conference on the emergent progressive movement. Read more and register.