Published On: December 18, 2018

As we head into the holiday season, we want to wish everyone a wonderful, restful winter break. Over the last week, members have been sharing with us their hopes for their students during the holidays.

Please check out this video we created about what our #StudentsDeserve! You can download your own #StudentsDeserve sign, take a photo and post it to social media using the hashtags #StudentsDeserve and #BTUproud, or email it to us at

Sign up here to join our activist list if you would like to get more involved in our contract and upcoming #FundOurFuture campaigns!

While we’re making progress on our negotiations, we look forward to getting to the finish line in the next couple of months. We will continue to keep you posted and will share more updates at our membership meeting on Wednesday, January 9. The Collective Bargaining Committee will be meeting after the January membership meeting as well.

Please keep an eye out for upcoming January and February events below in the BTU Events section. And please mark your calendar for the BTU Winter Conference on February 9!

The School Committee will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, December 19 at 6 PM at the Bolling Building. They plan to vote on the latest BuildBPS proposal. We continue to stand with West Roxbury, Urban Science and McCormack communities and all schools impacted.

Miren Uriarte is stepping down from the Boston School Committee – we thank her for service and wish her the best in her future endeavors.

We enter this season full of gratitude for the incredible work you, our members, do every single day in every school across our city. We look forward to seeing you in the new year! During the holiday break, we will also take a break from ebulletins, but they will resume on Tuesday, January 8.

Please note that the BTU office will be closed on December 25, December 26, December 31 and January 1.

Have a great week, a wonderful break and a happy new year!

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