Spotlight on Our Students, Educators & Schools
BLA Student Vikiana Petit-homme: Op-Ed in Boston Herald Vikiana wrote a powerful op-ed for the March [...]
Equity Protocols, Observation Course, and New Opportunities
Equity Protocols Training The Office of Equity offers monthly Equity Protocols Training (EPT) in the [...]
It’s That Time of Year: Budgets Shrink at 49 Boston Public Schools
From last week's Bay State Banner: Boston’s struggling Brighton High School will lose about $1 [...]
BuildBPS: Hope? Hype? Closings?
Last week the mayor released the city's 10-year Master Plan, BuildBPS, which proposes to spend [...]
Committee Meetings, Meet & Greet, Parent Conference and Much More!
Restorative Justice Committee Meeting Please join us on Monday, March 20 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the [...]
AFT TEACH Applications Open, BTU Lesson Planning Lab
2017 AFT TEACH Applications Now Open!!! AFT TEACH, our union's national professional learning conference is [...]