Upcoming BTU Events & Committee Meetings

THIS SATURDAY! Back to School Fair and First Book: Saturday, September 22
Sign up for First Book at firstbook.org/aft. Signing up is free and gives you access to free and discounted books as well as other classroom supplies and needs. Signing up new members also helps us to give away over 50,000 books at the fair! Please join us on September 22 at the Back to School Fair! Questions? Want to volunteer for the fair? Sign up here. For questions, please contact Brenda at bchaney@btu.org.

TODAY– First SEL Committees Meeting of the Year
Please join us this afternoon from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU! Committees under Social Emotional Learning include: SEL Committee, Restorative Justice, and School Counselors. We will meet throughout the year on the SECOND Tuesdays of the month from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU (special exception this month). Light dinner will be provided. Please RSVP with Jonathan at jrodrigues@btu.org.

Planning Meeting for Digitizing Day: Thursday, September 20
If you are interested in helping to plan or learn more about the BTU History Archives Project’s November 17 Digitizing Day at the BTU, please contact Betsy Drinan at bdrinan@btu.org or Natalia Cuadra-Saez at ncuadrasaez@btu.org and please plan to join us for a planning meeting this Thursday at 4 PM at the BTU. See our flyer for more. All are welcome.


NEW — Committee on Teachers in SPC Roles: Monday, September 24
Our first meeting of the year will be held on Monday, September 24 from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU. Please RSVP with Natalia at ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

NEW — First Equity Committees Meeting of the Year: Tuesday, September 25
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30! Our Equity Committees include: Unafraid Educators, Haitian Educators, Puerto Rican Educators, and LGBTQ Committee. We will meet throughout the year on the THIRD Tuesdays of the month from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU (special exception this month). Light dinner will be provided. Please RSVP with Jonathan at jrodrigues@btu.org.

NEW — Ethnic Studies Now Meeting: Sunday, September 30
Join a group of BPS educators working to bring Ethnic Studies curricula to BPS. Our next meeting will take place on Sunday, September 30 from 2-4 PM. To learn more and RSVP please contact Natalia at ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

NEW — Attention Building Reps and BTU Member Leaders
Join us Friday, October 12 through Sunday, October 14 for the BTU Fall Leadership Conference at the Dedham Hilton! Register today and secure your free hotel accommodations at btu.org/brconference. Deadline to register and submit deposit is October 3. Questions? Email Natalia at ncuadrasaez@btu.org.

Community Events of Interest

THURSDAY — Free Symposium: The Legacy and the Future of Civil Rights
Please join BTU President Jessica Tang and the Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights for a free event this Thursday, September 20 from 12-5 PM at Suffolk Law School at 120 Tremont Street. President Tang will be a panelist. See the program for details. Free registration begins at noon.

NEW — La Unidad Latina Foundation Scholarships Available
LULF scholarship applications are now open with an October 15 application deadline! They have three funds: National Scholarship Program, open to all students; DREAM Scholarship Program, supporting undocumented students throughout the US; and the Puerto Rican Relief Scholarship, supporting students enrolled and attending college in PR. See more and apply on their website at LULF.org.

Un Año Después María: Marching and Healing on September 20
One year after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, too many families still lack electricity and hundreds of schools are closed. More details, RSVP and share.

House Party for Massachusetts Communities Action Network
You are invited to a house party for the Mass Communities Action Network on Sunday, September 30 from 4-6 PM. Read more and RSVP.

Does Your School Need Volunteers in October?
Do you have a project in mind where you need volunteer help? On October 17 and 18, about 2,000 volunteers through Tech Gives Back will give their time at various venues. For more information, see the Tech Gives Back website or contact Ayele Shakur at ashakur@build.org.