Raise UP Campaign and Signature Gathering

FOR BUILDING REPS: Please bring your completed petitions to our BTU membership meeting Wednesday! Feel free to contact Johnny if he should pick petitions up from your school.

NEW! We will be collecting signatures on Saturday, November 11 across the city. Sign up to support our signature gathering campaign for petitions. The coalition gathering signatures for $15 and Paid Family Medical Leave is well on its way to putting both on the ballot next year. Let’s do our part and make sure we sign up our members! Building reps, please remember to bring in your collected signatures at November’s Membership meeting.

Upcoming BTU Events & Meetings

Special Substitutes’ Meeting: Thursday, November 9
BTU Subs, you are invited to a meeting at the BTU on November 9 at 4:30 PM to share thoughts about the upcoming Substitute Teachers’ collective bargaining agreement negotiations. Please fill out this brief form.

Committee on Teachers Assigned in SPC Roles: Thursday, November 9
The next meeting of the committee on teachers assigned in SPC roles will be held on Thursday, November 9 from 4:30-6 PM here at the BTU. This meeting is for ALL members. RSVP to Paul.

Black Caucus Mix-n-Mingle: Thursday, November 9
Please join the BTU Black Caucus for a mix and mingle at Slades at 958 Tremont Street in Roxbury on the 9th! See the flyer.

Early Ed Committee Meeting: Monday, November 13
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30. RSVP with Shanika.

SEL Committee Meeting: Tuesday, November 14
Please join us from 4:30-6:30 at the BTU. RSVP with Farrah.

Women’s Rights Committee Special Event: Tuesday, November 14
Human Sex Trafficking; The Signs, The Struggles, The Solutions. Join us for a panel discussion featuring experts in the field of sex trafficking. This topic is affecting our students, our classrooms, our schools, and our community! See the flyer.

ELL/SLIFE Committee: Monday, November 20
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30. RSVP with Jonathan.

NEW! Arts Committee Meeting: Monday, November 20
Are the arts at your school amazing — and you want to tell others? Are the arts in your school subpar — and you would like help advocating for better options? Do you work at a school that doesn’t offer any arts programs — and you’d like to change that? Then join us for our Arts Committee meeting! RSVP with Shanika.

Save the Dates:

  • Networking Meet & Greet: All Dorchester, South Boston, and Related Service Providers: November 28: RSVP now!
  • History Committee Meeting: November 30

NEW: School Site Council Reminders

There are a variety of upcoming School Site Council trainings:

Refreshments served. Contact Caren at ccarew@btu.org with any questions, and register on My Learning Plan. See the flyer for more.