Published On: January 19, 2022
As we shared earlier today, anyone who is out of compliance with the city’s vaccine mandate received a letter today. Everyone should report to work until they receive a letter specifically stating they are being placed on leave.

While we continue to impact bargain and advocate at all levels for our members affected by this policy, at this point, we strongly encourage anyone who wants to continue to be employed by BPS for the foreseeable future to get vaccinated, especially if you have not received an approved exemption or accommodation.

We understand that this is an extremely stressful and difficult situation for many members and that there are strong feelings on all sides of the issue. We will be holding a follow up informational meeting on the vaccine mandate this Friday, January 21 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. to share the latest updates and information from our impact bargaining negotiations tomorrow.  

Please register in advance no later than 3:30 p.m. Friday to attend the meeting. Quick reminders for registering:

  • Please remember that you must register at least one hour in advance, or you will not receive a link.  
  • Each link is unique and cannot be shared.
  • Links are sent after your registration and membership status are verified – please do not register multiple times if you do not immediately receive a link.
  • Remember to include your exact BPS ID# in order to expedite approvals. If you are retired or don’t have an ID# for another reason, please enter “000000″.
  • Please make sure that you have updated your Zoom account with the latest update before the meeting in order to avoid complications with your link.
  • If you have technical questions the day of the meeting or registered in advance but did not receive the link, please email

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