Published On: October 1, 2020

Dear BTU Family,

Apologies for the multiple emails this week. As we enter the next phase of school reopening, please know that we are continuing to advocate for you, and we want to give you as much support as possible.

For the most part, the reports we have gotten have been generally positive for the first day of in-person schooling for our high needs students. We joined Mayor Walsh and Superintendent Cassellius at the Ellis School, Carter School, and Charlestown High this morning. Although there was a lot of anxiety heading into this morning, you all have stepped up and risen to the occasion to ensure a smooth start, and that was clearly evident in the schools we visited this morning. We will be following up with concerns related to nurses’ PPE and medical orders as well as health and safety protocols for all staff.

For schools that are still experiencing challenges and issues, we have created a Google Form so that you can share the concerns and we can help to facilitate a prompt resolution of them. Please use this formIt should be used for outstanding PPE or other health and safety measures issues and concerns. Before you submit this form, we urge you to read this guidance document on PPE. You may also find it helpful to revisit the previous comprehensive 9/9 memorandum of agreement and the latest 9/29 memorandum of agreement regarding flexibilities.

We plan to convene the Reopening Task Force Plan Review Committee as soon as possible and work on joint guidance for schools to implement the new flexibilities. As soon as we have specific details, we will share them. 

To help facilitate the creation of plans that best meet the needs of our remote and in-person students and that also may allow for differentiated roles and flexibility in scheduling, we have created a Google Folder for anyone to share proposed schedules resources, and other models that may be helpful to others in creating new plans, such as co-teaching models, pod models, etc.

In the meantime, please take care, stay safe, and be sure to take time for yourself. It’s okay to let out some tears of stress or relief, take time for a walk, and remember to use SELWEL strategies like deep breaths and mindfulness. You all are incredible, and we couldn’t be more proud of you. 

In solidarity and #InThisTogether as always,
BTU Officers and Staff

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