This Saturday! BTU Back to School Fair

Please plan to join us from 1-4 PM this Saturday, September 23 at the BTU for our Back to School Fair! We have flyers available in six languages for posting at your school this week. We are still looking for volunteers on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3-7 PM to get books ready for the fair. Get details and sign up to help on the BTU website.


Good News in Our Schools

Sumner School: Children’s Immigration Story Project Aims to Ease Anxieties
Read more from Wicked Local Roslindale about an inspiring project spearheaded by Rachel Lerner, a social worker at the Sumner Elementary School in Roslindale.

Lee School: Volunteers Pitch in to Spruce up School
More than 150 volunteers and Celtics guard Terry Rozier worked together to transform the Joseph Lee K-8 in Dorchester this month. Read more from the Dorchester Reporter.

Upcoming BTU Events

Community Forum on Exam Schools: Thursday, September 21
Please join us this Thursday from 6:30-8 PM at the BTU for “Toward Racial Equity: Increasing Access to Boston’s Exam Schools.” Download a flyer for Thursday’s forum.

REGISTER TODAY! BTU Leadership Conference
Please register for the 2017 BTU Leaders Conference for Building Reps and member leaders! This year’s conference will take place from October 13-15. Read details and register today!

Black Caucus Meeting
Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20 at 5 PM at the BTU.

ELL Committee Meeting
Please join us Tuesday, September 26 at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 PM. RSVP with Jonathan at

Unafraid Educators/Immigrant Rights Meeting
Please join us on Thursday, September 28 at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 PM. RSVP with Jonathan at

Social Emotional Learning Committee Meeting
Please join us on Tuesday, October 3 at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 PM. RSVP with Jonathan at

Restorative Justice Learning Community Circles
Are you interested in participating in The RJOC Learning Community Circles this year? We’d like to hear from you. Please select the top three Restorative Circles topics that interest you.

BTU Organizing Committees: Join us!
Read more about and sign up to be a part of BTU Organizing Committees! Join us!

Brenda Chaney on Making Strides busMaking Strides Against Breast Cancer

A message from Brenda Chaney: BTU members are walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event. Yes, your donation really can help save lives!

Donate on Brenda’s personal page and on the BTU Team Page. Thank you!